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Online Chinese Course (Live)

EPA Learning provides customized Chinese online courses. Our expert will design the course base on the student's Chinese level, study interest, and study target. Students can choose to learn Mandarin or Cantonese.
EPA為你或你的孩子提供一對一客制化的中文課程 , 根據學生程度 ; 學習目的 ; 學習期望量身制定課程內容, 無論你想學字詞 ; 成語 ; 寫作. 用普通話或廣東話上課皆可, 訓練學生中文的聽說寫讀能力.

Course features:

  • Online study by Web conference tools such as Zoom, Team.
  • Flexible Time.
  • One to one learning from experienced teacher.
  • Course designed base on student 's level and ability
  • Easy and interesting learning experience.
  • 60 mins per lesson
  • One free lesson when finished 20 lessons
  • 10 lessons per payment
  • Fee: 500 / lesson